Western Tehran Wastewater Treatment Plant

Kuzu Grup has been awarded the tender for Western Tehran Wastewater Treatment Plant construction. The Western Tehran Wastewater Treatment Plant will be the largest WWTP in Iran having a population equivalent of 2.600.000.

Project Start Date: March 2017


Project Ending Date: March 2020


Capacity: 520.000 m³ / day


Population Equivalent: 2.600.000

Project Description


The project which has a contract value of 125.000.000 Euro is financed by Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). WWTP will consist 4 modules which will use advanced biological wastewater treatment processes.WWTP which has a treatment capacity of 520.000 m³ per day with 2.600.000 P.E. comprises 8 anaerobic sludge digesters, each with a volume of 11.000 m³, UV disinfection system for wastewater reuse, biofilters,and other advanced biological wastewater treatment equipments. The plant digesters will generate biogas which will be utilized in the gas motors to generate electricity sufficient for the plants own energy demand.The WWTP will involve an activated sludge process with simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus including anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic areas with the internal circulation flow from aerobic to anoxic methods (A2o)


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