İSKİ Silivri Wastewater Treatment Plant

Works were undertaken to ensure that the wastewater in the region is treated at Silivri Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant and it becomes dischargeable into the Marmara Sea, the receiving body.

Project Start Date: September 2013


Project Completıon Date: December 2015


Capacıty: 73,000 M3/Day


Number Of People Servıced: 350,000

At Silivri Wastewater Treatment Plant, wastewater will be treated using advanced biological treatment processes – such as removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus – and subsequently discharged into the receiving environment.

• Wastewater treatment in the district of Silivri Central and the surrounding neighborhoods of Ali Paşa, Cumhuriyet, Fatih, Gazitepe, Mimarsinan and Piri Mehmet Paşa;
• Treatment of wastewater collected at the Silivri Central, Fener Village, Alipaşa and Gazitepe Collectors for discharge into the Marmara Sea, the receiving environment.


Silivri Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant will treat wastewaters in the district of Silivri Central and the surrounding neighborhoods of Ali Paşa, Cumhuriyet, Fatih, Gazitepe, Mimarsinan and Piri Mehmet Paşa, and wastewaters collected at the Silivri Central, Fener Village, Alipaşa and Gazitepe Collectors.


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